Sophie Rehberg


Sophie Rehberg (she/her)
Arnimallee 2,
14195 Berlin, Germany

AG Diskrete Geometrie und Topologische Kombinatorik,
Institut für Mathematik,
Freie Universität Berlin

About Me

Since 2020 I'm a PhD Student in the Discrete Geometry and Topological Combinatorics Group at Freie Universität Berlin working with Matthias Beck. I am also a student of the Berlin Mathematical School.

Before that I did my masters in mathematics at the Technische Universität Berlin and spent two semesters at the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. My master thesis advisor was Stefan Felsner. Before that I did a Bachelor of Science in Natural Science in the Society of Information (original in German: "Naturwissenschaften in der Informationsgesellschaft") at TU Berlin and spend a year at Universidad Catolica de Temuco, Chile. I also completed a study program about gender and diversity aspects in STEM (Zertifikat I, information in German here). During high school, I spend one year in Cuenca, Ecuador.


Rational Ehrhart Theory,
with Matthias Beck and Sophia Elia, arXiv:2110.10204, extended abstract to appear in Proceedings of FPSAC'22.
Pruned inside-out polytopes, combinatorial reciprocity theorems and generalized permutahedra,
arXiv:2103.09073, to appear in The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics.

Research Interests

hypergraphic polytope as the Minkowski sum of simplizes and convex hull of acyclic orientations


Last updated, Nov 29, 2022

Conferences and Workshops (selection)



Seminar talks (selection)

.. coming soon...


Teaching trainings

I am currently working towards a Certificate of Academic Teaching offered by Freie Universität Berlin (more information in German here).

Teaching experience

Winter Semester 2022/23
Discrete Geometry I
exercise session, lecturers: Christian Haase, and Eran Nevo, joint course with Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Summer Semester 2022
Discrete Geometry II
exercise session, lecturer: Florian Frick.
Forschungsmodul Diskrete Geometrie: Special Polytopes
seminar together with Florian Frick.
Winter Semester 2021/22
Discrete Geometry I
exercise session, lecturers: Florian Frick, Christian Haase, and Eran Nevo, joint course with Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Mathematisches Professionswissen für das Lehramt an Grundschulen I.2
tutorial, lecturers: Ulrike Bücking, Christine Scharlach.
Summer Semester 2021
Discrete Geometry II
exercise session, lecturer: Matthias Beck .
(Pro-)Seminar zur Diskreten Mathematik: Alternating Sign Matrices
seminar together with Matthias Beck .
Winter Semester 2020/21
Discrete Geometry III
exercise session, lecturer: Matthias Beck .
(Pro-)Seminar Diskrete Geometrie: Shard Polytopes
seminar together with Matthias Beck .
Summer Semester 2020
Discrete Geometry II
exercise session, lecturer: Matthias Beck .
During Bachelor and Master studies
I taught as a tutor Linear Algebra, Analysis for Engineering students and gave individual tutorials to Engineering students in Temuco, Chile.